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Roof structure

A good roof above your head literally belongs to the most important things in your life. A roof offers protection and warmth. Besides the decorative touch it gives to your house, a well-built roof provides insulation and contributes therefore to reducing energy use and costs.

We advise you on all decisions regarding construction, material and energy saving We manufacture for you the most complex roof constructions.


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Holzbau Moling - Hubert Moling - Str. Alcialc, 9 - 39030 La Valle - Alta Badia - South Tyrol
T +39 338 76 19 142 - E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Vat ID 02615030216 - F.C. MLNHRT79B11B220P - @Copyright

faecbookA company from Südtirol